Saturday, August 29, 2009

A View of Faith

Let me set some background. I'm a lawyer and most of what I do is real estate closings. The real estate world has been terrible and I have had the worst two years ever--worst than getting started. In getting started you don't have anything and don't mind. Its different when you been doing--and now there is little. Anyway, back to the story. It been a very difficult, discouraging, depressing two years. Many times I've thought that God wanted me to pull the plug on real estate and work in the peacemaking area. But I have just not been able to do that. I've thought over and over that it was just a lack of faith. I just couldn't trust God to provide

Recently, I finished up two small closings and realized that for the first time in nearly 25 years I didn't have a real-estate transaction in process--not one, nothing, nada. And I was at peace about that. My first thought, the cynical thought, was that God had just done what I was supposed to do. The second thought was, I think, more insightful. Is it possible that my inability to end the real estate practice was because I wasn't supposed to? God wasn't telling me to do something. He really was telling me that it would end. When I realized that God had done what I thought I was supposed to do--there was grace in the form of peace.

I think what God wanted me to see is that real faith isn't found in taking things into my own hands but in enjoying the peace of accepting what God has done - in His own way - in His own time.

I've spent two years tied in a knot worrying about the lack of work to do. I've not spent two days enjoying what God did.

God works in us in different ways and this is just my story at this time. I hope that it is helpful to you.